Students’ Career Choice in TVL Track And Educational Engagement
Joy Dee Vergara
Discipline: Education
Choosing a career track is very important and should be carefully considered as it will have a
continuing impact on students’ future career. This study aimed to fill this gap by determining the
correlation of student’s preference on TVL track and educational engagement of students and how it
affects their career choice.The descriptive method of research was utilized in this study. The primary
tool for collecting data was a questionnaire created by the researcher. Respondents were 90 TVL
students of Senior High School at Bagbag National High School. Data were tested using different
statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson R Correlation
and Coefficient at a .01 level of significance.The respondents perceived the career choice factors as to
educational engagement as moderately influenced. More importantly, it was found that there is a
significant relationship between the student’s career choice factors on TVL track and in the
educational engagement. This means that the career choice factors serve as contributing factors in the
educational engagement of the students.
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