HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 5 (2023)

Extraversion, Neuroticism and Job Performance of College Instructors

Marjorie Alibo

Discipline: Education



The essential personality traits of extraversion and neuroticism have a big influence on an instructor's career path. The study determined the level of extraversion, neuroticism and job performance of the instructors of Bohol Island State University. The study utilized the quantitative method, involving a descriptive survey and documentary analysis. Two hundred forty-seven (247) respondents were selected through purposive sampling. In gathering the data, the Neo-Pi-R personality assessment was used to measure instructors' extraversions and neuroticism. Moreover, the Individual Performance Commitment and Review ratings from February -2021-January 2022 were utilized to measure job performance which was collected from the Human Resources Management Offices. Results revealed that instructors were average with extraversion and neuroticism. As to their job performance level, instructors were very satisfactory in carrying out their professional tasks and responsibilities, and their performance exceeded the set standards. There was a significant relationship between extraversion, and job performance - however, no significant relationship was found between neuroticism and job performance.


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