HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 5 (2023)

Coping Strategies of Teachers Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Melgrace Dela Cruz

Discipline: Education



This study determined the coping strategies of secondary teachers in Malasiqui District II, Pangasinan I divsion amid Covid-19 pandemic. It also determined the stress level of teachers amid Covid-19 pandemic, significant relationships and significant differences between and among variables. It used the descriptive-correlational research design and utilized the google forms in the distribution and collection of data from the secondary teachers.This study found out that in the profile variables of the respondent-teachers, majority are married, 26-35 years old, Master’s degree holders with 5 years and below teaching service. Majority of the respondents too, are Teacher I who have 3 and below number of seminars or trainings attended. The teachers’ coping strategies amid the covid-19 pandemic along physical aspect, mental aspect, social aspect, emotional aspect, and spiritual aspect are highly effective. Significant relationship exists between the coping strategies of teachers amid the Covid-19 pandemic and the teachers’ profile variables; age, civil status, position, and number of years teaching. Likewise, significant difference exists on the coping strategies of the teachers amid the Covid-19 pandemic and the teachers’ profile variables; age, civil status, position, and number of years teaching.It is strongly recommended that teachers should continue their studies and should attend more seminars or trainings to improve their knowledge and skills specifically in handling unexpected situations such as the Covid-19 pandemic. It is also recommended that programs and projects in the schools must be developed to help teachers sustained their abilities in facing situations similar to this pandemic if ever another one will happen anytime in the future. Further, school professional and developmental program must be institutionalized and implemented specifically including variables that are consistent as source of stress among teachers. Lastly, there should be another study on the coping strategies of teachers with Covid-19 pandemic to further verify, complement or contrast the result of the present study.


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