
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 10 (2023)

Bibliotherapy Utilization: Contingent to Emotional Intelligence and Altruistic Behavior of Students

Aeriel Jane Mingua

Discipline: Education



The study was conducted to analyze the relationship of bibliotherapy utilization with Emotional Intelligence and Altruistic behavior of Psychology Students of St. Vincent College of Cabuyao, with specific objectives: (1) determine the personal profile in terms of Age, and Gender; (2) determine the level of the respondents awareness in bibliotherapy in terms of character behavior, moral lesson, inspirational Impact, ethical belief; (3) determine the level of emotional inteligence of the respondents in terms of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management; (4) determine the level of altruistic behavior of the respondents in terms of empathy and desire to help; and (5) to determine if the significant relationship of bibliotheray with emotional intelligence and altruistic behavior. The study used a quantitative method to determine the relationship between the level of Bibliotherapy towards Emotional intelligence and Altruism. Purposive Sampling was used in selecting the respondents of the study. Hence, the researcher conducted a pre-survey to gather qualified participants for the study. For data gathering purposes, the researchers distributed the link of Google forms consisting of the survey questionnaires that were answered by the selected participants, one hundred and fifty (150) Psychology students of St. Vincent College of Cabuyao. Findings of the study showed that, Bibliotherapy has a significant relationship with emotional inteligence of the students in terms of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management. The results also reveal that Bibliotherapy has a significant relationship with Altruistic behavior of the respondents in terms of empathy and desire to help. The study concluded that overall hypothesis is not supported.


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