Least Learned Essential Competency Based Module and the Performance of Grade 9 Students as Mediated By Interest and Attitude
Ronnie Esquivel | Edna Briones | Edilberto Andal
Discipline: Education
The study was conducted to determine the interaction between and among the developed least learned essential competency based module in horticulture and the students’ interest and attitude towards the subject, quarterly tests and task activities and how they relate with one another. The researcher selected fifty Grade 9 students from section 9-Garnet in the Junior High School of Lecheria Integrated School. The researcher utilized the purposive sampling and total enumeration will be employed in this study involving fifty (50) actual respondents representing Grade 9 students at Lecheria Integrated School, Division of Calamba City. The researcher used descriptive correlational research and experimental method to answer the specific problems presented in this research and utilized a survey questionnaire as the main tool in gathering the pertinent data needed to solve the problems of the study. The significant findings of the study revealed that the perception of the students on the developed least learned essential competency based module in horticulture in terms of content, design, instructions, print outs and activities was perceived by the respondents as “Good”.On the account of the student’s interest and attitude, the respondents rate themselves as “Good” towards the subject matter. Similarly, they also “Agree” that their interest and attitude towards the subject matter is evident. On the relationship between the perception of the students on the developed module and interest and attitude, findings show significant relationship. Moreover, there is no significant relationship between the interest and attitude to their post-test and task activities, while the perception of the students on the developed module do not significantly relates on their post-test and task activities. In addition, the result of the test scores between the pre-test and post-test showed a significant difference. The use of the developed module significantly increased their scores based on the administered assessment.
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