Ecological Factors in Learning: Perspective for Learners’ Motivation and Development in TLE
Angelica Dorado
Discipline: Education
Ecological factors in learning such as parent-teacher collaboration, classroom climate, parental involvement, community support, availability of learning materials and financial status are seen as an important factor for learner’s motivation and development in TLE. Using descriptive-correlational research design, the current study determined the relationship between social and economic ecological factors on the learner’s motivation and development of Grade 7 students in Plaridel Integrated National High School as measured by a 50-items questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale as the main gathering tool. The researcher employed purposive sampling, whereby one hundred seventy (170) Grade 7 students were selected as respondents. Results of the study disclosed that most of the Grade 7 students at PINHS are thirteen years old, there are 6 more female than male, a significant portion of Grade 7 students come from families with working fathers and mothers, either as employees or entrepreneurs, and have varying levels of formal education and family income. The results highlight the strong performance of many Grade 7 students at PINHS in TLE during the first quarter, which is a positive indication of their academic progress in this subject area. It was found in this study that learner's motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, is significantly influenced by the ecological factors of learning. These findings suggest that creating a positive and supportive learning environment can enhance the motivation of Grade 7 students in TLE. Moreover, the results also showed that while ecological factors do not significantly influence academic achievement in TLE, they play a crucial role in social and emotional development. Therefore, efforts should be made to enhance the ecological factors of learning, which will help to promote social and emotional development.
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