HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 4 (2023)

COVID-19 Related Challenges and Prospects Among Private Integrated School Teachers

Anidah Domiar | Omar Hussien

Discipline: Education



The closure of schools and adoption of the modular learning for learners caused the private integrated school teachers to encounter challenges and prospects brought by the COVID-19 due to the virus’s effects. Twelve (12) teachers from the private integrated school were selected and interviewed as the subjects for the study. Questions related to the challenges and prospects encountered by the private integrated school teachers, and subjects, were prepared by the researcher. The research findings indicated that private integrated school teachers had a hard time adjusting to the new normal; learners' performances were affected for there was no interactive learning during the school year Covid - 19 also caused some of the learners to drop from school or transfer to public schools. Private Integrated school teachers' salaries were unavoidably deducted and delayed due to the low number of enrollees. COVID-19 pandemic affected the family of the private integrated school teachers not only financially but also emotionally, mentally, and physically due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic.


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