Engaging the Learners in Teaching Macramé’ Arts Using Flipped Classroom
Daisy Obiso
Discipline: Education
This research study employed a mixed-methods approach to investigate the effectiveness of the
flipped classroom model in teaching macramé arts. The flipped classroom intervention provided
students with pre-class educational videos introducing key concepts and techniques before in-class
activities. The study involved a controlled and experimental group, with pre- test and post-test scores
serving as the primary quantitative measures of student performance. Students' feedback was
collected and analyzed thematically to provide qualitative insights into their learning experiences.
The participants are BTLEd1 students randomly assigned to either the controlled or experimental
groups. Quantitative analysis was conducted by comparing the mean scores of the pre-test and posttest assessments between the controlled and experimental groups. Statistical tests were used to
determine the significance of the differences and assess the impact of the flipped classroom model on
student performance. Qualitative analysis involved the examination of students' feedback regarding
their learning experiences. Thematic analysis was applied to identify common themes and patterns in
the students' responses. The results of the quantitative analysis indicated significant differences with
p=0.0001 in performance between the controlled and experimental groups, with the experimental
group consistently achieving higher mean scores on both the pre-test and post-test assessments. The
qualitative analysis of students' feedback revealed several key themes, highlighting the positive
impact of the educational videos in terms of ease of learning, enhanced skills, and deeper
understanding of macramé arts. These findings offer valuable insights for educators seeking to
enhance student learning outcomes in creative disciplines through innovative instructional approaches
like the flipped classroom model.
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