Educational Podcasts as Supplementary Material for Studying Concepts in Literature
Jedithvic Araña
Discipline: Education
Podcasts offer a flexible and convenient way for students to access educational content, allowing them to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. However, podcasting is still a relatively new tool in K-12 education. This case study explored the experiences, challenges, benefits, and solutions for educational podcasts as supplementary material for studying concepts in 21st-century literature in Senior High School. Interviews, focus-group discussions, and journals were used to collect data. Building on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the findings revealed that students found educational podcasts to enhance learning experiences. This study revealed that podcasts were adaptable, easy to use, entertaining, useful, and a new learning modality. However, challenges such as audio quality, type of learner, lack of interaction, and environmental factors were identified. To address these challenges, the participants recommended the need for inserting captions, playback features, and avoiding distractions. The study also shows improvement in listening skills, speaking skills, dual tasking, focus, entertainment, new learning modality, and in-depth discussion of the subject. To conclude, podcasts might be considered a potential learning tool in teaching Literature making sure a diverse range of topics are provided to cater to different interests and preferences.
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