Pedagogical Translanguaging Realities in the Classroom: Teachers' Practices, Perceptions, and Awareness
Ivan Barroga | Doreen Tampus
Discipline: Education
This study investigated the translanguaging practices, perceptions, and awareness of five (5) Senior
High School (SHS) teachers at Pimbalayan National High School (PNHS). This study is qualitative
research design that employed phenomenological approach to fathom the depth of the participants'
lived experiences The researchers utilized classroom observations, semi-structured questionnaires,
and field notes as primary data collection methods. Using a thematic analysis adapted and modified
from the methodologies of Braun and Clarke (2016) and Boyatzis (1998), the researchers followed
the steps of thematic analysis, including open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The
researchers found that the teachers utilized translanguaging for collaborative learning and facilitation
of instruction, such as giving examples and directions, translation, and assessments. While other
teachers perceived translanguaging as beneficial, others perceived it as detrimental, especially in
expanding vocabularies in the target languages. Moreover, some teachers were fully aware of what
translanguaging is all about and acknowledged its significance in teaching, while others were
practicing it unknowingly.
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