Parenting Styles and Influences of Millennial Parents in the Development of Values System of Grade 7 Learners in Negros Occidental: A Case Study
Carlito Alsagon Jr. | Kareen Ganancial | Janeth Taparan | Las Johansen B. Caluza
Discipline: Education
This qualitative research determined the parenting styles and influences of millennial parents in the values
development system of Grade 7 learners in Negros Occidental: A case study. Diana Baumrind describes three
parenting styles that affect the values development of children (Santrock, 2017) but in Nancy Darling (1999)
cited by Situmorang (2021) in his study perceived parenting styles urges that parenting styles focus on four
typologies; authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent and uninvolved. Influences of millennial parents in terms of
character and religious aspects of millennial parents (Moriss, 2022) may have a role in the values development
system for their children. A case study approach was used to gather primary data through in- depth interviews
with our ten (10) millennial participants in Negros Occidental. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the
classifications and present themes or patterns that relate to the data with the following steps: finalizing data,
assigning preliminary code, searching for themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes, and
producing reports (Braun & Clarke, 2006). The findings revealed that the majority of the study concluded that
the authoritative parenting style is the parenting style of millennial parents prefer to employ, which affects or
influence the values development system of their children positively. The study shows that the love, respect,
open communication, and self-discipline of millennial parents influence the opportunities to improve their
children's family significantly in helping their children build and refine their positive values development
system. The study was organized into five parts. First, the introduction. Second, the theoretical framework.
Third part is the review of the related literature about parenting styles, values development system, and
influences of millennial parents. Fourth part is the purpose of the study and the research questions. The fifth part
is the Research methodology which includes research design and research procedure and sampling. The sixth
part is the results and discussion. Lastly, are the conclusion and recommendations of the research.
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