
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 10 (2023)

Distance Learners Toward Mobile-Assisted Language Learning: Basis for Gamified and Mobile English Learning Development

Gerwin Sagun

Discipline: Education



As the educational institutions adopted modular distance learning as the immediate response to the lockdown policy by the Philippine government, the integration of mobile technology into learning has been initiated by the teachers to support students in the newly implemented learning delivery. Numerous studies have been researched regarding the technological intervention to pedagogy, however, studies focusing on English language learning were not enough. Most studies were conducted in international context in which author believes that result may be differed if applied in Philippine educational context. The focus of this research is to further explore the experiences and attitude of distance learners in using MALL in English language learning. Sto. Domingo National Trade School was chosen as locale of this research, where 100 Grade 7 MALL users were selected to be the respondents using purposive sampling method. This study employed descriptive research design in which printed and digital questionnaire survey were distributed. Results reveal that learners have facilitating condition to access mobile-assisted learning tool. They tend to use smartphones over other gadgets in which they spend 4 to 6 hours in mobile browsing including accessing social media platforms. Statistical results emphasized positive responses to perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitudes, and behavioral intentions of use, describing positive effect of MALL in modular distance learning. Based on the findings, this study recommends for the policy makers and implementors to create mobile-assisted language learning intervention program or policy to sustain the evolving needs of learners inside and outside the classroom set- up. Additionally, a crafted intervention program made by the researcher is recommended for use.


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