
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 1 (2023)

Exploring Mental Health Status of COVID-19 Frontliners: A Phenomenological Inquiry

Vincent Ray Bagaforo | Emma Ceballo

Discipline: Education



This phenomenological study aimed to determine the challenges, coping strategies, and significant insights of COVID-19 frontliners during the pandemic. The study utilized a qualitative phenomenological approach, and using purposive sampling technique, the eight (8) participants who worked as a COVID-19 frontliner in General Santos City were identified for an in-depth interview. Thematic analysis was used as a data analysis tool to interpret the data gathered. The results found that COVID-19 frontliners experienced different challenges during the pandemic, including the fear of being infected with the disease, dealing with different patients, long and busy working hours, and mental health disturbance. As for their coping strategies in dealing with those challenges, the COVID- 19 frontliners used their families’ support, taking care of themselves, as well as having strong faith in God. Also, valuing public health measures, the importance of self-care, and extending patience and understanding toward the patients were the significant insights shared by the COVID-19 frontliners. Moreover, understanding the impact of COVID-19 on the frontliners’ mental health can be the key to implementing plans and effective interventions to help them function more efficiently.


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