HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 10 (2023)

Digital Literacy Skills and Online Information Searching Strategies as Determinants of Academic Performance of BSIT Students

Jennellie Graciano | Ceasar Ian Benablo

Discipline: Education



This study sought to determine the significant influence of digital literacy skills and online information searching strategies on the academic performance of BSIT students. Utilizing quantitative descriptive-correlational research, the study involved first year BSIT students among selected higher education institutions in Davao del Sur. The results revealed that the level of digital literacy skills was very high as well as the level of online information searching strategies which was found to be also very high. Moreover, the overall level of academic performance of BSIT students was high. Digital literacy skills and online information searching strategies had a significant relationship with the academic performance of BSIT students. Also, the combined variables significantly influence BSIT students’ academic performance.


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