HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 10 (2023)

Effectiveness of Project Bilang Ka in Increasing the Mathematical Performance of Grade 3 Pupils in Pambuhan Elementary School

Kim Mathew Valdez

Discipline: Education



To evaluate the effectiveness of Project Bilang Ka in increasing the mathematical performance of grade 3 pupils in the ownership of learning at Pambuhan Elementary School. An experimental method of research was utilized, and samples were purposefully chosen by the researcher. Statistical treatments such as Mean and Mean percentage and t-tests for independent and dependent samples were employed. The results revealed that the utilization of Project Bilang Ka is effective in increasing the mathematical performance of Grade 3 pupils and that there is a mark of improvement in the experimental group, while this result is opposite for the control group. It is further implied that the application of Project Bilang Ka is more effective than the traditional way of teaching in distance learning. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends the following: for the teachers to incorporate different assessments in teaching amidst the pandemic; deliver lessons in their most strategic ways and encourage the pupils to value the ownership of their own learning; for the school administrators to provide more training and innovations; and for future researchers to undertake a similar study across the learning area for innovative instruction. Project Bilang Ka (Bigyang Linaw Ang Numerong Gumugulo sa Kaisipan) is a CIP project of Pambuhan Elementary School. It is a localized intervention tool that is aligned to the learners’ Mathematics activities to value the learner’s ownership of their own learning.


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