Assessing User Satisfaction and Usability of a University Portal: A Quantitative Study Utilizing the Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ)
Adelfa Acala | Hidear Talirongan
Discipline: Education
This quantitative study assessed user satisfaction and usability of a university portal, specifically the
Online Portal Empowered Netizens (OPEN), utilizing the Computer System Usability Questionnaire
(CSUQ). The study involved distributing a modified version of the CSUQ to 185 college students
from Mindanao State University Lanao del Norte Agricultural College. The questionnaire measured
four categories: Student portal Usefulness (SYSUSE), Information Quality (INFOQUAL), Interface
Quality (INTERQUAL), and Overall Usability (OVERALL). Data was collected through an online
questionnaire, and the responses were processed using Microsoft Office Excel. The study found that
the student portal performed well in terms of usefulness, information quality, interface quality, and
overall usability, positively impacting students' academic experience. However, it is important to
note that the findings are limited to the specific university and may not be generalizable to other
institutions. The study recommends continuous monitoring and updating of the portal to ensure its
relevance and user- friendliness, as well as seeking regular user feedback to identify areas for
improvement. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the usability of a university portal
and offers recommendations for enhancing the user experience.
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