Into the Unknown: Lived Experiences of the Selected Public-School Teachers in Conducting Action Research in the New Normal
Ryan C. Tura
Discipline: Education
The study was conducted in pursuit of investigating the lived experiences of select public-school
teachers in conducting action research during the ‘new normal’. The study used qualitative research
design and employed phenomenology as a research design. It involves ten (10) teacher respondents
who were chosen through the purposive sampling method. The study used unstructured
questionnaires, administered through in-depth interviews. The data gathered had undergone textual
and thematic analysis as well as narrative to analyze and interpret the data. Several themes emerged
like technical, systemic, and personal. Results reveal that technical themes are the most difficult part
because there are processes for gathering and analyzing data that require scrutiny and consultation.
The systemic, however, is easy due to the respondents only needing to attend seminars. Some
instructions on conducting Action Research (AR) are not clear because of the fluctuating internet
connection. Moreover, personal themes become easier because of the calendar method used that
helps maintain a smooth flow of the research plan. The study recommends that research coordinators
including the School Head may conduct more training and seminars on AR. This is so that teachers
needing proper guidance in conducting AR will thus be provided.
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