Work-Life Balance of the Personnel of the Philippine National Police During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Relationship with Their Socio-Demographic Profiles: Basis of an Intervention Program
Olivia Gabriel
Discipline: Education
This research determined the level of work-life balance of the uniformed personnel in the PNP
National Headquarters (NHQ) during the COVID-19 pandemic and its relationship with their sociodemographic profiles. The researcher utilized mixed methods sequential explanatory design using the
survey questionnaire and interviews conducted to uniformed personnel. Respondents were between
the ages of 21-30, male, married, with 1-2 children, with nuclear family, with the rank of
Patrolman/Patrolwoman, on a day shift, with eight-hour duty daily, within 1-5 years length of service,
and with 81-90 (Very Satisfactory) rating. The level of work-life balance of the uniformed personnel
in terms of the three dimensions showed low interference of work to personal life, low interference
of personal life to work and low interference of work and personal life with work-life balance. Sex,
civil status, and job performance have significant relationship with work-life balance. The age,
number of hours of work, and length of service showed no significant relationship with work-life
balance. The number of dependents, type of family, rank, and work shift cannot be correlated with
work-life balance. The researcher proposed an intervention program entitled “Implementation of a
Four-day (Compressed) Work Week for the Uniformed Personnel of the PNP” to enhance the work-life balance of the uniformed personnel.
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