Teachers’ Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Tertiary Education in Cavite, Philippines: A Correlational Study
Anderson Ray C. Arcadio | Darwin D. Diola | Junelle Christian Obice
Discipline: Education
This study explores the relationship between workplace spirituality and organizational citizenship
behaviors. Teachers from selected private colleges in Cavite were surveyed using an adapted
questionnaire survey. All aspects of workplace spirituality (compassion, mindfulness, meaningful
work, and transcendence) are significantly related to organizational citizenship behaviors (altruism,
courtesy, sportsmanship, conscientiousness, and civic virtue). The result of the study implies that
younger and older employees, independent of sex, length of service, and religion, have different
workplace and instructional perspectives. Also, private college employees differ in helping
colleagues, keeping working hours, resolving issues, having a positive attitude, and is committed to
teaching regardless of age, sex, duration of service, or religion. Moreover, workplace spirituality has
been shown to motivate individuals to go above and beyond their job duties. OCB increases with
employees’ impressions of workplace spirituality. The results from multiple regression analysis
revealed that all aspects of workplace spirituality positively and significantly related to
organizational citizenship behavior towards the organization.
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