HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 1 (2023)

The Level of Effectiveness of Blended Learning Among Public Secondary Schools in the Division of Quezon

Jenny Linguete

Discipline: Education



This study determined the level of effectiveness of blended learning among the public secondary schools in the Division of Quezon, School Year 2020-2021 along with the Lesson Delivery, Learner’s Engagement, Learner’s Achievement, and Learner’s Assessment; the problems encountered; the coping strategies employed; and the generated Policy Recommendations towards quality education.The descriptive-evaluative-correlational method was employed while survey-questionnaire was used in the data gathering.The following findings have surfaced; the effectiveness of blended learning among public secondary schools were Learner’s Achievement, (3.73); and Learner Assessment, (3.69), while Lesson Delivery, (3.370); and Learner’s Engagement (3.34) were considered effective. On the problems encountered; Teachers need customizable instructional delivery models, (3.72); Creating an Effective Self- Paced Learning Environment, (3.72); and a Comprehensive Learning Management System which offers flexibility and ease of use (3.71) were rated much serious. On the Coping Strategies; Positivity despite hardships, (4.05).This study was delimited to its respondents who were public secondary (JHS) teachers in the Division of Quezon that employed blended learning delivery modality.The sudden onset of pandemic had brought profound significant challenges in the education system. With all the substantial and reliable information that blended learning is not only necessary to survival in the academe during crisis but an essential delivery method for long-term success. Whereas the Policy Recommendation generated in this study could be a valuable foundation for a foreseeable future of blended learning delivery modality.


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