HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 5 (2023)

The Road Not Taken: An SHS Curriculum Exits Case Study

Juliet Ebardo-Florida

Discipline: Education



The move to review K to 12 has resurfaced the issues clouding the basic education curriculum. Specifically, the effectiveness of senior high school program is questioned. This qualitative case study accounted the experiences of 10 SHS graduates of Labinay National High School in relation to the Curriculum Exits of the program. After a remote semi-structured interview with the respondents through Messenger, the gathered data underwent Braun and Clarke’s (2006) thematic analysis. The findings showed that SHS graduates were knowledgeable about the program yet opted to pursue any college course for two common reasons: accessibility of tertiary education and the reluctance to apply for a job. Furthermore, their experiences disclosed how they were deprived of learning opportunities due to the lack of resources when the program was implemented. Hence, it is recommended that college readiness among leaners may be enhanced by ensuring the quality of classroom instruction in the basic education, and that school-industry partnership may be broadened and strengthened by making it into a law requiring agencies – public and private - to temporarily employ SHS learners so that they get to experience the professional workplace.


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