Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach and the Enhancement of Figurative Language Comprehension
Giselle Periodica
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the cognitive academic language learning
approach in the enhancement of figurative language comprehension and to examine the significant
difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the students before and after applying the
Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach in figurative language comprehension. A
quantitative pre – experimental research design was utilized to gather the data. There is no significant
difference in figurative language comprehension in terms of simile and metaphor before and after the
application of cognitive academic language learning approach while there is a significant difference
in the figurative language comprehension in terms of personification, hyperbole and oxymoron
before and after the application of cognitive academic language learning approach. Since the null
hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the
students before and after applying CALLA in figurative language comprehension is partially
rejected, it suggests to allocate resources to support the implementation of the CALLA across
different classrooms and grade levels. Encourage collaboration and sharing of best practices among
teachers who are implementing CALLA. Provide ongoing professional development and support for
teachers to enhance their understanding and implementation of CALLA. Similar research may be
done to identify more teaching methods that may influence students' performance level and figurative
language comprehension.
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