HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 6 (2023)

Implementation of Special Science Elementary School Curriculum as Correlate of School Performance and Instructional Leadership: Basis for Continuous Improvement Plan

Glofel Prado | Herculano Sabas

Discipline: Education



This study determined the implementation of the Special Science Elementary School Curriculum as a correlate of school performance and instructional leadership during the school year 2013-2018 at the National Capital Region and the School Division of Rizal, which served as bases for the proposed Continuous Improvement Plan. Hence, the descriptive correlational type of research with the survey questionnaire as its main data-gathering instrument was used. The respondents were 19 SSES School Heads and 228 SSES Teachers from the National Capital Region and Schools Division of Rizal. Based on the statistical findings, there was a significant correlation between the extent of implementation of SSES curriculum in terms of program components, learning materials/resources, teachers’ learning and development program, administrative support, and the schools’ performance in terms of access, quality and governance since all the computed values are greater than the t – critical value of 2.306. Thus, there was no significant difference between the perceptions of the school heads and the teachers about their level of instructional leaderships concerning curriculum, instruction, and assessment for having the t – computed values of 1.82, 1.97, and 1.20, which are all lesser than the t – critical value of 2.306. There was a significant relationship between the extent of implementation of SSES Curriculum and school performance, as regards enrolment, drop-out rates, professional development, and project implementation, as evidenced by the computed r values of 0.57, 0.7, 0.31, respectively, which exceeded the critical value of r of 0.266. The computed values for NAT and funding sources are 009 and 0.25, respectively, which suggest an insignificant correlation. The same trend was observed on the relationship with school performance in terms of learning resources. Due attention may be given to the non-existent significant correlation with the NAT results. Lastly, the correlation between the level of implementation of the SSES and instructional leadership in the aspects of curriculum, instruction, and assessment were all significant as shown by computed r values of 0.68, 0.35, and 0.52, respectively, which all exceed the critical value of 0.266. Recommendations and implications were discussed in the study.


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