Grade 9 Learners’ Engagement and Performance in Flipped Mathematics Classroom
Kyllie Bernas
Discipline: Education
The study's main objective determined the effectiveness of the Flipped Mathematics Classroom in the Academic Performance and Level of Engagement of the Grade 9 students in Rizal High School. A Quasi-experimental method of research that applied two groups pre-test and post-test. Triangulation was utilized to validate support and prove that it was consistent during data collection. Findings in the study revealed that at the start of the study, both students had no statistical difference in Academic Performance and Level of Engagement. After the implementation of Flipped Mathematics Classrooms, the Flipped Group showed a significant difference in terms of Academic Performance and Level of Engagement compared to the Non-Flipped Group. These findings imply that the implementation of Flipped Mathematics Classroom in the Flipped Group showed a high correlation between their Academic performance and Level of Engagements. This present study recommends implementing Flipped Mathematics Classroom to improve the students' Academic Performance and Level of Engagement in learning. A proposed teachers’ capability enhancement training on Flipped Classroom was also designed. To further the research, a development of a learning systems can be explored, especially for students who live in rural areas with unstable to poor Internet connectivity.
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