Process Skills–Based Instructional Materials Towards an Enhanced Students Performance in Science 7 (Physics)
Elmerlyn Dionisio
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of process skills - based instructional materials
(PSBIM) in enhancing the process skills and performance of grade 7 students in Science 7(Physics)
at Montalban Heights National High School for the School Year 2022-2023. This study used both
descriptive and experimental research methods. The developed process skills- based instructional
materials in Science 7 (Physics) were rated as Strongly Agree by the Science Teachers and Experts
with an overall weighted mean of 3.67 and 3.66, respectively, in terms of content, format, layout and
design, accuracy and up- datedness of information. Also, there was no significant difference in their
evaluation. In addition, the student respondents got a weighted mean score of 17.78 in the pretest
while 33.48 in the posttest, with a mean difference of 21.54 and showed no significant difference
between their performance. Comments and suggestions were provided by the respondents to further
improve the instructional materials.
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