Implementation of Brigada Eskwela by School Sizes in the 4th Congressional District of Quezon Province
Kristel Anne Nieva | Rizalie Lim
Discipline: Education
The research sought to ascertain the level of implementation of Brigada Eskwela in Quezon Province's 4th
Congressional District. The descriptive-comparative research design was appropriate for the questionnaire
created as an instrument for data collection, with statistics such as weighted arithmetic mean, rank, and one-way
ANOVA. Data were gathered through a researcher-created questionnaire and unstructured interview based on
the Brigada Eskwela (BE) Manual for School Heads and DepEd Memorandum No. 62 s. 2022. It was given to
267 respondents from 10 municipalities in 4th Congressional District of Quezon Province, as well as 89 School
Heads, 89 Brigada Eskwela Coordinators, and 89 Stakeholders. According to the findings, the Brigada Eskwela
program was highly executed via preparation efforts, partnership engagement activities, influence on school
performance, resource generation, and bayanihan efforts. At the 0.05 level of significance, there is no significant
difference in the implementation of Brigada Eskwela among small, medium, large, and mega schools regarding
preparation effort, influence on school performance, resource generation, and bayanihan effort. In the result of
the findings of the study, it was revealed that lack of materials, sources of funds, managing human resources,
and collaborative effort of stakeholders to participate, and less participation of stakeholders. An implementation
plan was proposed to reinforce and strengthen school and community relationships, and boosts the spirit of
volunteerism among stakeholders, build partnerships with the community, and extend resources through the
Brigada Eskwela program.
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