YouTube Tutorials: A Classroom Reinforcement to the Students’ English Language Proficiency
Apritch Honey Cinco | Arnel Pradia | Leonel Untong
Discipline: Education
The study aimed to assess the impact of YouTube Tutorials as a classroom reinforcement tool on
Grade 7 students' English Language Proficiency during the 2022-2023 academic year. It sought
answers to questions regarding students' language proficiency levels before and after watching
YouTube Tutorials in morphology, phonology, semantics, and syntax, as well as the overall
improvement in English competence. The study employed a mixed-method research approach with
54 respondents, utilizing a self-made survey questionnaire.The findings revealed that students
initially had fair to poor proficiency levels in various language areas, which significantly improved
after exposure to YouTube Tutorials. The mean differences demonstrated a substantial increase in
English competence, with a p-value of 0.000*, indicating statistical significance. YouTube Tutorials
were found to reinforce learning by enhancing comprehension, problem-solving, and advanced study.
It also contributed to broader knowledge acquisition, creativity, and improved language skills. In
conclusion, YouTube Tutorials proved effective in enhancing English language proficiency among
Grade 7 students. Recommendations included considering YouTube Tutorials as a reinforcement tool
for English teachers, providing classroom technology, encouraging parental support, and
emphasizing the importance of quality video content. Further research in different contexts and with
diverse respondents was suggested for result validation.
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