HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 5 (2023)

Quality of Resort Services and Customer Satisfaction: Implications on Customer Loyalty

Jasmin Maca-Ambac

Discipline: Education



This descriptive-correlational study determined the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction; and customer loyalty. It focused on assessing the association of service quality with the dimensions of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy; and customer satisfaction to customer loyalty among the guests of the selected beach resorts of Labason, Zamboanga del Norte. There were 84 guests who participated in the study. Mean, Frequency Percentages, Standard Deviation, and Kendall Tau’s Correlation Coefficient were employed to generate the findings of the study. Results revealed that among the dimensions of Service Quality, only responsiveness and empathy had significant association to customer loyalty. However, the participants’ satisfaction level showed non-association to their level of loyalty. The study emphasized the need to increase the participating resorts and the number of sample size to strengthen the generalizability of the findings of the study.


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