Discipline: Education
The purpose of this study was to find out whether Project e-Localized (eBooks and Printed localized reading materials) will enhance the level of reading comprehension in Filipino among Grade 3 pupils section Masunurin of Villa Perez Elementary School. This study utilized the quantitative method of research using a quasi-experimental design. The researcher statistically analyzed the pre-test and a post-test result to determine the significant difference in the level of reading comprehension in Filipino before and after the utilization of the Project e-Localized. Purposive sampling was used by the researcher composing of thirty-eight (38) Grade 3 pupils as the respondents. The statistical tools used were Mean Percentage Score and T-test. The study showed that after implementing Project e-Localized, the pretest MPS 57.37% with the descriptive analysis of “good” increased from the posttest resulted to 84.61%, with the descriptive analysis of “excellent” given the difference of 27.24 % and the value of the t-test is 22.9236 which is greater than t-Critical value of 2.0262, with 37 degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance. It is evident that there is a significant difference; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. Thus, the utilization of Project e-Localized wherein the researcher used electronic books and printed localized materials greatly enhanced the level of comprehension in Filipino of Grade Three pupils. Teachers must keep in mind that enhancing reading comprehension takes time and effort. It is educators’ duties and responsibilities to enhance the level of comprehension of every pupil.