Depressive Symptoms as Correlates to External and Internal Locus of Control: Basis for Truancy Intervention Program
Pamela Rose Rosana
Discipline: Education
The study investigated the relationship between depressive symptoms and locus of control of truant
students using the mixed method of research. Using the Spearman Rank of Correlation as the main
statistical treatment, the results of the research suggest that the association between the depressive
symptoms and locus of control was not proven yet, anxiety factors of depression show a significant
relationship with respondents’ locus of control. On the contrary, results show that 72% of truant
students are within the normal range of depression level, yet 28% reported mild depressive
symptoms. Nevertheless, interventions for depressive symptoms should be inclusive in the school
Guidance Development Program. Thus, using the results of this study, numbers of recommendations
are made which primarily aim to strengthen mental health of students and prevent truancy
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