Integration of Games in Teaching English and Performance of Students in Learning Parts of Speech
Regz E. Guiral | Froilan E. Guiral | Annabelle A. Gordonas
Discipline: Education
This project focused on the Integration of Games in English and
performance of students in the parts of speech. It delved on the
level of performance of the control and experimental groups in
pretest and posttest in the parts of speech as to: Naming Words,
Modifying, and Connecting and significant difference between
the pretest and posttest scores of the control and experimental
groups and significant difference in the increase from the pretest
and posttest scores between the control and experimental groups.
The study utilized the quasi-experimental design to determine the
effectiveness in integrating games in teaching English to college
students by employing Wilcoxon Singed Rank Test and Mann
Whitney U Test.
The study revealed the following major findings: The students were
not really competent from the parts of speech, particularly, nouns
and prepositions in the pretest. While in the posttest, they improved
with satisfactory and outstanding performances. The rest of the
parts of speech were consistent in control group. Interestingly,
the experimental group was competent. They were consistent in
pronoun and adjective with outstanding performance while the
rest got satisfactory and very satisfactory performances. Hence,
employing games in teaching the parts of speech significantly
improved the performance of the students. Further, there was no
significant difference between the pretest and posttest performance
in terms of pronoun and adjective from the control group. However,
there was a significant difference between the pretest-posttest
scores in the parts of speech as to noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb,
preposition, and conjunction of the students in the experimental
group. Conventional and game-based methods were both effective
in teaching the parts of speech. Finally, there was a significant
difference from the gained scores between the control and the
experimental group in terms of learning adjective. Thus, learning
noun, pronoun, adverb, preposition and conjunction, conventional
method alone or application with games were equally effective.
Hence, the students manifested creative and critical thinking skills.
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