Learning Competency and Styles of Senior High School Students in General Mathematics
Rommel Tio
Discipline: Education
The fact that every student has their own level of mathematical competence and unique learning style should
be understood and addressed by all educators. This thesis employed descriptive correlational method which
aimed to describe the learning competency and styles of grade 11 students in General Mathematics, an array
of students’ attributes, and analyzes the relationship of these attributes with their competency test and
learning styles. This study used chi-square to evaluate the relationship between respondent’s attributes and
the competency test and learning styles. Moreover, the current study used ANOVA to examine whether a
difference exists between learning competency and styles in General Mathematics based on SHS tracks of
the respondents. The respondents comprised of 356 grade 11 students of City of Bogo Science and Arts
Academy Senior High School who took the 80-item competency test in General Mathematics and the
Learning Style Assessment survey. The result suggests that senior high school track and grade in grade 10
Mathematics is related with the learning competency of respondents. On the other hand, learning style is
related with gender and senior high school track. Furthermore, when respondents are group based on senior
high school tracks there is a significant difference in their learning competency while there is no significant
difference in their learning styles. The study recommends that teachers should use teaching methods that
accommodate a variety of learning styles. Further research is needed to determine the impact of learning
style in the learning competency of the respondents.
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