Attentiveness in Physical Education Concerning Students’ Academic Performance Amidst Pandemic
Spence Arrel Caballero
Discipline: Education
Participants of the study were junior students of Malolos City High School-Bungahan, District II City
of Malolos during the school year 2021-2022. Fifty percent of the students was used as sample
drawn through systematic sampling. The study focused on six factors of students' attentiveness to
learning efficiency, namely: productive practice, sense of commitment. teacher dominance,
dedication, self-trust, and anticipated mastery. Students' academic performance amidst pandemic in
Physical Education was based on the grade they obtained in Physical Education during the 1st
quarter. Gender was the only profile variable for correlation purposes. Checklist was the main tool to
gather data; the techniques of online interviews and observations were employed to validate
significant findings. In view of the findings arrived at and the conclusions drawn, the following
recommendations were offered: Teachers should exert efforts to enhance students' attentiveness in
terms of dedication, anticipated mastery, and sense of commitment by coming up with more varied
motivating styles and blended class activities, a more comprehensible presentation of subject matter
to enhance students' anticipated mastery, and the setting of clear and understandable directions of
what students have to expect in the subject. Teachers should continually exert productive practice to
monitor students' attentiveness along the six factors as these are interrelationship which can induce
and stimulate students' enthusiasm and interest in the subject. The school head should consider as
agenda during meetings the necessity of looking into students' attentiveness as these can enhance
students' academic productive practice in Physical Education.
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