Inventory of Fears Encountered by College Students as Basis for Intervention Plan
Daisy Obiso
Discipline: Education
This study investigates the fears experienced by 335 students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences and Education at Cebu Technological University-Barili, Cebu Campus. Employing a mixed methods approach, qualitative and quantitative methods were used to gain an in-depth understanding of the students' fears. Data collection involved administering the Fears Inventory, a researcher-made instrument, through an online questionnaire with strict privacy settings. Analysis revealed twelve most disturbing fears categorized into socio- relational, achievement, abuse, medical-physical, and existential fears. The fear of losing family emerged as the most significant, while fear of riding a jeepney ranked as the least disturbing. The students experienced the highest distress in relation to existential, abuse, and achievement fears, with existential fears being the most prominent. Cognitive aspects were primarily affected by the students' fears, while social-relational aspects had the least impact. Self-help strategies were commonly used, while avoidance or escapism was least utilized. The students predominantly sought socio-emotional support from family and friends, considering it the most effective form of assistance. Educational support was the least preferred. The findings highlight the students' awareness of their fears and their impact on overall well-being, including mental, emotional, social, and psycho-spiritual aspects. Although open to professional help, students primarily relied on their own resources, valuing the love and care received from their loved ones. In the midst of the ongoing health crisis, the students' major concerns revolved around family, safety, wellness, studies, and life's meaning and purpose. This study provides insights into students' fears in a challenging environment and underscores the importance of socio-emotional support for their well-being.
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