HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 11 no. 3 (2023)

Senior High School Students’ Learning Styles: Basis for Developing and Evaluating Reading & Writing Skills Enhancement Materials for Grade 11 Food Technology Students

Danica Jane Godoy

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to identify the SHS students’ learning styles as basis for developing and evaluating reading and writing skills enhancement materials for TVL students. Descriptive research design was used in the study. The developed Learning Style- Based Instructional Material for Reading and Writing Skills were evaluated by thirty (30) English teachers and fifteen (15) expert teachers in English from different schools in Antipolo City. The participants of the study were 180 TVL Students from Mayamot National High School-Seinor High School. The data gathering instruments the researcher used were a survey checklist, VARK Learning Style Inventory Test, and survey questionnaire. The statistical tools to treat the data were weighted mean, frequency and ranking, and t-test. Based on the results, the researcher included 10 most difficult lessons in reading and writing based on MELCs and perceptions of English teachers. In addition, the preferred learning styles of G11 were Kinesthetic and Auditory. Moreover, both English Teachers and the Expert Teachers evaluated the developed learning material with the mean scores of 4.83 & 4.91 and interpreted as “Strongly Agree” in terms of its appropriateness, authenticity, clarity, usefulness, and technical quality. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between the evaluation of Expert Teachers and English Teachers to the developed Learning Style-Based Instructional Material for the Enhancement of Reading and Writing Skills of Grade 11 Students. Comments and suggestions were also provided by the respondents to further improve the materials.


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