Constructivist Learning Environment and Communication Competence of College Students: Mediating Effect of Language Learning Motivation
Chique Jaime | Marilou Limpot
Discipline: Education
To determine if there is a relationship between a constructive learning environment and communication skills; constructive learning environment and motivation in language learning of College Students. To determine also the mediating effect of motivation in language learning based on: constructive environment; and communication skills. Quantitative non-experimental design. The study was conducted among College Students with General Course in University of Mindanao during the school year 2021-2022. The respondents were 262 college students from University of Mindanao. The respondents were chosen using stratified random sampling. The data were collected using google forms. The overall results showed that the respondents had a high level of reading motivation, classroom climate, self-directed learning readiness, and task motivation. It also showed a significant that the overall results showed that the constructivist learning environment of the respondents had a high level and communication competence. It also showed a significant relationship between three variables: constructivist learning environment, communication competence and language learning motivation. Results also showed that language learning motivation had a partial mediation in the relationship constructivist learning environment and communication competence. The high level of the constructivist learning environment and the students' communication skills show that it is consistently evident in the students. As a result, the researcher suggests that students consider the opportunity to discover and express their opinion through their own experience. Give students work that can relate to their experience to further increase the level of a constructive learning environment for students. In addition, researcher recommends that oral exercises like spontaneous speaking should be increased to help students improve their communication skills. Give them chance to express their viewpoints during class discussions or group projects to maintain and improve their communication competence. On the other hand, based on the high level of motivation in language learning, which indicates that students frequently demonstrate motivation in language learning, the researcher advises developing more ways, approaches, and strategies to motivate the students and language learning. Make learning new information fun to enhance your students' desire to learn to further increase level.
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