HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 7 (2023)

Teaching Competence, Self-Efficacy, and Challenges with the Blended Instruction of English Teachers

Joharra Calyawa | Doreen Tampus

Discipline: Education



This research study examined the teaching competence, self-efficacy, and challenges experienced by English teachers in blended instruction. The research questions focused on assessing teaching competence from the perspectives of students and administrators, examining the level of self-efficacy among English teachers, exploring the relationship between teaching competence and self-efficacy, and identifying the challenges teachers face in blended learning. The study employed a descriptive-correlational approach, analyzing data collected through survey questionnaires administered to 43 English teachers, 289 students, and ten administrators in five public secondary schools. As students and administrators reported, English teachers demonstrated high teaching competence. Similarly, the self-efficacy of English teachers in blended instruction was found to be consistently high across various indicators. However, the study did not find a significant relationship between teaching competence and self-efficacy, suggesting that other factors influence a teacher's effectiveness in the classroom. Furthermore, the research identified challenges, such as resource limitations, classroom management issues, and low student motivation, that need to be addressed to enhance the effectiveness of blended instruction—professional development opportunities, mentorship programs, addressing teachers' challenges, and involving policymakers in curriculum development. Future research could consider incorporating demographic factors to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the participants. The study contributes to understanding teaching competence, self-efficacy, and challenges in blended instruction, providing insights for teacher training and support programs.


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