Social Media Engagement in Relation to Psychosocial Well - Being Among Generation Z
Rhea Jane Pescadero | Mark Mauris Cabahug
Discipline: Education
Daily usage of various social media platforms for most people especially for generation Z has become a
routine. As generation Z are considered as digital natives, the possible disruption of those social media sites
to their psychosocial well-being is uncertain. The study sought to determine the relationship of social media
engagement to the psychosocial well-being of generation Z in Cortes, Bohol. A quantitative methodology
with a descriptive design was utilized in the research with a total of 364 randomly selected respondents.
Four hypotheses were treated using the Chi- square, Spearman rho, Friedman Test, and Kruskal Wallis Test.
The study result showed that Generation Z of Cortes, Bohol were moderately engaged to social media. Out
of four dimensions, entertainment got the highest rating while socialization got the lowest. While generation
Z obtained a very high psychosocial well-being. Subjective well-being topped among the dimensions while
psychological well-being was the least rated. There is a significant degree of correlation between the social
media engagement and psychosocial well-being of the generation Z. It implies that social media engagement
and psychosocial well-being are significantly correlated. It means that when the generation Z increasingly
engaged themselves to social media for academics, socialization, entertainment and informativeness, the
likely they would have a very high psychosocial well-being.
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