Adherence to Quality Education in Higher Education as Perceived by School Leaders and Administrators
Brandon Rivera
Discipline: Education
Leadership is vital to state universities and colleges (SUCs) in the Philippines. This study aims to
determine the quality of education in Iloilo State College of Fisheries (ISCOF), Iloilo, Philippines, as
perceived by school leaders and administrators. This study employed a descriptive correlational
design and the researcher-made questionnaire as the tool was used. There were 52 respondents:
Presidents, VPs, Deans, Department Chair, and Program Coordinators. There were factors utilized in
this study, "Vision, Mission, Values Focus," "Administration and Leadership," Context and
Curriculum," "faculty Development," "Physical Plan and other Learning Resources," "Budget
Allocation," "governance and Management," and "Students Services." The statistical tools were
descriptive and inferential. Among the eight factors, educational qualification with units and doctoral
Administration and Leadership ranked first, and doctorate degrees, "Administration and Leadership,"
and "Governance and Management," were tied in the first rank. While in training, rank 1 was
"Administration and Leadership" and "Faculty Development for 1-5 training and 6-10 training,
respectively. Also, in terms of faculty rank, Associate Professor III to V, rank one was
"Administration and Leadership." These factors were almost classified as "Good" by the key official,
but "Administration and Leadership" were "Excellent. Furthermore, all eight factors were
insignificant in terms of educational attainment, training attended, and rank. In leadership,
educational qualification, training attended, and rank is essential factors in quality education in
ISCOF. The school should invest in faculty development because learning is vital to run the school
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