Effectiveness of Video Presentation as a Classroom Instructional Tool in Teaching Elementary Students
Jhoanna Marrie Parvian | Juliefer Fernando | Elainee Tang-Zapata
Discipline: Education
Innovations, updates, and new ideas in teaching and learning are continuing to increase. Among these
innovations is the use of video presentations as a classroom instruction. This strategy is commonly
used by the teachers as an indicator of their integration of technology to education. This study
analyzes the perception of teachers on the effectiveness of video presentation as an alternative to
traditional method of teaching. The researchers used simple random sampling technique among
the teachers in one of the elementary schools in Quezon City, in representing a group in an unbiased
manner. This study is a quantitative method using descriptive correlational approach in determining
the level of effectiveness of video presentation when used as a classroom instruction and in
determining the significant difference when grouped according to profile. The method used is the
most suited technique in coming up with the findings of this study. The outcome of this research
provides that the respondents perceived that video presentation is an effective tool for them in
teaching in terms of usefulness, motivation, performance, and assessment. The result motivated the
researchers in conducting similar study using different research method and participants in
identifying the effectiveness.
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