HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 8 (2023)

Learning Needs Assessment and In-Service Training Preferences Among Science Teachers in the New Learning Modality

Jessie James Yapao

Discipline: Education



This study assessed the learning needs of junior high school science teachers in the new normal modalities as outlined in the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST). The results will be used to create and deliver standards-based training and development programs adapted to specific requirements. Specifically, it examined the level of learning needs assessment of the participants on the five PPST domains contextualized in the New Normal Education, as well as the level of InService Training preferences. This descriptive-correlational research design adopted two survey questionnaires. There were 181 randomly selected junior high school science teachers as participants. Mean, standard deviation, and Pearson R correlation were used to treat the data. Findings revealed that teachers need to learn on the Plus Factor PPST domain. Meanwhile, participants prefer that their In-Service Training include teacher upskilling in technical and digital skills critical in 21st-century teaching and online learning. Further, teachers’ level of learning assessment needs and their INSET preferences have a significant relationship. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy and the Plus Factor were significant predictors of teachers’ INSET preferences. Finally, the results recommend more intensive training for teachers and an enhanced professional development program anchored on the PPST needs assessment and training preference data.


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