HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 8 (2023)

Lived Experiences of Teachers in the Hinterland School: Management Plan

Floramie Tinampay

Discipline: Education



Hinterland teaching is a practice of bridging and accommodating the educational gap in teaching remotely. This study investigated the lived experiences of teachers in the hinterland school of Barangay Kanghalo, Dumanjug, Cebu for School Year 2022-2023 as basis for management plan. This study utilized the Heideggerian Phenomenology as the research design. This design entails to uncover the lived experiences of the teachers in the hinterland school. This is a qualitative study wherein a semi-structured interview guide will be used by the researcher. Although the researcher is the main instrument of the study since it is the researcher who will be eliciting the data through interview, an interview guide would be very helpful especially in uncovering the lived experiences of the teachers in the hinterland area. The questions can be stipulated in a way that it can elicit the challenges of the teachers in the hinterland school, the learning opportunities and the meaning of the participants’ lived experiences. The data will be analyzed using the Van Kaam Approach in the analysis popularized by Moustakas which is the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) with 7 stages. After gathering and analyzing the data, 8 themes emerge which form the word MOUNTAIN which stands for Managing Self, Over the Rainbow, Undeniably Challenging, Noteworthy Experiences, Teaching with Love, Alternative is Life, In the Silence of Everything and Nearest to Perfection. These themes are the lived experiences of the teachers teaching in the hinterland areas. This study proved that self-efficacy of Bandura is manifested in the lived experiences of the hinterland teachers because their abilities are affected the way how they take control of the things that will affect the quality of their lives. This study recommends a triangulation of the study wherein a researcher- made instrument can be crafted in order to assess the level of satisfaction, the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and work performance of the teachers teaching in the hinterland school.


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