Financial Resources as a Critical Success Factors for Business Process Re-engineering to Achieve Academic Performance. A Case of Higher Education Institutions in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Jean Bosco Mukolo
Discipline: Education
The paper reviewed financial resources which is a critical factor and component of
Business Process Re-engineering in achieving academic performance of higher
education institutions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The objective of the
study is to examine whether financial resources can contribute to improving and
achieving academic performance of higher education institutions in general and
students in particular. The study used a systematic literature review and content
analysis was to establish the relationship between financial resources and academic
performance. The key findings are grouped in three dimensions: 1) financial
resources; 2) budget and funding/financial model; 3) tuitions fees, scholarship and
loans provision. The study found consistent evidence to show that there is a
significant and positive relationship between financial resources and performance of
higher education institutions. The study concluded that higher education sector in
the Democratic Republic of Congo needs a radical change and fundamental
rethinking in improving educational budget processes to meet the needs of the
institutions, provision of scholarship and loans processes to students mainly those
from poor background and designing innovative financial/funding model to sustain
educational institutions. The study is based on academic capitalism theory. The
recommendations were made based on the findings of the study.
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