A Quantitative Study of Principals’ Perceptions During Curriculum Reform in Lesotho
Moeketsi Ralebese | Lerato Ralebese
Discipline: Education
Policymakers are continually seeking a reform blueprint that would transform
schools into beneficial institutions. Amid these reforms are the principals who drive
the implementation of these mandated curriculum reforms. This quantitative study
explores the perceptions of primary school principals in Lesotho as they lead the
implementation of the integrated curriculum, popularly known as the ‘new
curriculum’. The study relies on quantitative data obtained from 83 principals
purposively drawn from the Maseru district in Lesotho. The SAS program was used
to compute descriptive statistics that were used to interpret the principals’ views
using the sense-making framework. The results of this study showed that the
principals exhibit high and positive perceptions regarding their roles and
responsibilities as leaders of curriculum reform. These results are surprising given
that they have neither been prepared nor developed to lead the implementation of
this reform. Moreover, their views should be interpreted in light of current literature
regarding the implementation of curriculum reforms. This existing literature portrays
a gloomy picture regarding the implementation of this reform in Lesotho. This study
expands the literature on reform implementation in developing countries such as
Lesotho. Future studies should compare the perceptions of the principals with those
of the teachers to corroborate the seemingly high scores obtained from the
principals’ self-ratings.
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