Teachers’ Involvement, Pupils’ Mental Health and Coping Mechanisms
Dina Marie Chiong
Discipline: Education
The main thrust of the study was to determine the association of teachers’ level of involvement, mental health, and coping mechanisms of Grade V and VI Pupils in selected Public Central Elementary School in the Division of Bohol, School Year 2021-2022. Specifically, it sought to determine the teachers’ profile in terms of age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment, present position, length of teaching experience and number of mental health training attended. It also sought to determine the teachers’ level of involvement in terms of self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, social awareness, and social skills. It also sought to determine the pupils’ level of mental health in academic performance, depressive thoughts, difficulty in concentration, living environment and social isolation. It also sought to determine the pupils’ coping mechanisms in terms of emotional, mental, physical, pleasure, self-care, social activity and spiritual wellness. It sought to find out if there is a significant relationship between the teachers’ profile and level of involvement, teachers’ level of involvement and pupils’ mental health and coping mechanisms; pupils’ mental health and pupils’ coping mechanisms. The study used the descriptive method and was conducted in 12 selected public central elementary schools in Bohol Division. Respondents were grade five and six pupils and teachers. Stratified sampling was used, and a total of 947 respondents were used. Percentage formula, Weighted mean, Chi-square and Spearman rank were used. Results revealed the highest rank in the profile of the teachers was 31 to 35 years old with 15.38%; majority was female with 93.27%; mostly married, 74.04%; highest educational attainment was with Master’s Degree Units with 50%, Teacher 3 position was 56.73%; length of teaching experience was 6 to 10 years with 28.85% and attendance to mental health training ranges from 1 to 2 with 43.27%. The teachers’ involvement was rated “very high”. In pupils’ level mental health was rated “positive mental health” and pupils’ coping mechanisms was rated “sometimes”. There is a significant relationship between teachers’ profile in terms of highest educational attainment, length of teaching experience, number of mental health training attended, and level of involvement. The study concludes that the highest educational attainment, length of teaching experience and number of mental health training attended in the teachers’ profile had a bearing to teachers’ level of involvement to pupils’ emotional development. And, teachers’ level of involvement has an association with pupils’ mental health and coping mechanisms; pupils’ mental health and coping mechanisms. It is recommended that supervisors, school heads, and teachers of DepEd uphold, monitor, and assess the teachers’ involvement in pupils’ mental health to ensure pupils’ growth and well-being.
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