HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 1 (2023)

Grit and Locus of Control as Correlates to Psychological Well–Being Among Athletes: Basis for A Proposed Sports Training Program

Michelle Siggayo

Discipline: Education



This study aims to illustrate the relationship between grit and locus of control as it correlates with the athletes' psychological well–being. A total of 122 student-athletes were gathered and selected through the purposive sampling technique. The study applied descriptive statistics (mean) and inferential statistics (Pearson r). The instruments used in the study were the 42 – item Psychological Well–Being by Carol Ryff, the 12 – item grit scale of Angela Duckworth, and the 40 - Item Adult Nowicki- Strickland Locus of Control Scales of Steve Nowicki and Bonnie Strickland. The results showed that the overall grit level of the respondents has a mean score of 3.16 and SD of 0.43 which means that grit helps them to persevere and sustain interest towards their different goals in life. In terms of locus of control, they exhibit external locus of control with the mean score of 19.52 (SD = 2.46). In addition, their level of psychological well – being in each dimension was found to be average, which needs to be maintained and enhanced more. Concerning grit and locus of control, they establish a negative relationship with significant relationship remarks. Moreover, grit establishes a positive significant relationship with all the dimensions of psychological well – being. Lastly, locus of control has no significant relationship with autonomy and environmental mastery while other dimensions have moderately significant relationship with locus of control. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended to the sports team and PE department of the school to provide a good and well-written sports training program that can be used to assess and address all the needs of the athletes in terms of enhancing their grit, locus of control and psychological well – being.


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