Students’ Motivation and Learning Strategies on Academic Performance in Science in the New Normal
Elisha Veneracion
Discipline: Education
This study determined the influence of motivation and learning strategies on the academic
performance in science in the new normal of Grade 8 students in Carlos F. Gonzales High School
during the School Year 2021-2022. With an explanatory sequential method as research design and
156 students as respondents of the study, findings showed that the Grade 8 students were motivated
to learn Science in so far as self-efficacy, self-determination, career motivation, relevance of learning
science, responsibility for learning science, confidence learning science and anxiety about science
assessment are concerned. Meanwhile, these students frequently used learning strategies in Science
such as planning, keeping records, self-evaluation, monitoring, memorizing, rehearsing, and seeking
information. The academic performance of the Grade 8 students in Science was described as “very
satisfactory”. Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: There is a
significant relationship between the Grade 8 students’ motivation in learning in terms of self-efficacy,
self-determination, and responsibility for learning and their academic performance in science in the
new normal. Students’ high level of self-efficacy, self-determination, and responsibility for learning
resulted in higher academic performance in Science. There is a significant relationship between the
Grade 8 students’ strategies in learning and their academic performance in science in the new normal.
The more the students used learning strategies, the higher their grades in Science.
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