Grammatical Proficiency of the Pre-Service Teachers in a State College in Guimaras Island, Philippines: An Assessment of Errors and Issues in Writing
Jocyl Caber
Discipline: Education
With the advent of technology, many learners have become dependent on gadgets in terms of
entertainment, business, information, communication, etc., including spelling, meaning, and usage of
words. The government had spent much to enhance the country’s educational system over a long
period. Yet, there are still learners, especially the students who are taking education courses, who are
poor at using the language, specifically English. The result showed that the majority of the
respondents were female (71, or 67.65%), BEEd total of 56 or 69.14%, had the age bracket between
20-21 years old, total of 39 or 48.15%. The grammar score of the respondents showed that only ten
were considered as outstanding in their score, and almost one-half of the respondents described as
satisfactory while others were described as fair and poor, which has a negative result. The majority of
grammar errors and issues reflected most in the spelling correction as rank number one and using of
determiners in grammar as rank number two committed by the respondents in writing essays. This
study recommends serious p
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