Psychological Well-Being of Drug Dependents Amidst Homesickness
Ventura Soriano
Discipline: Education
The study aimed to ascertain the Psychological Well-being and Homesickness of Drug Dependents at the
Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Centro San Antonio, City of Ilagan, Isabela. Their overall
level of psychological well- being is "high,” as manifested by the majority of them being high scorers in
autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relations with others, purpose in life, and selfacceptance dimensions. As to the relationship between respondents’ profiles and total homesickness scores,
no significant relationship has been found. Significant relationships have been found between specific
dimensions of psychological well-being and profile variables such as the amount spent per consumption and
environmental mastery, educational attainment and personal growth, as well as length of rehabilitation and
self-acceptance. Ultimately, homesickness is significantly related to autonomy and purpose in life dimensions
of psychological well-being. Based on the findings of this study and through the day-to-day encounter of the
researcher and his colleagues with the drug dependents, it is apparent that they have attained openness in
their expression of their opinions and feelings toward their situations, which for them would benefit the
community as a whole. Their indulgence in the program and activities makes them grow as worthy
individuals. Their genuine interaction with each other helped them understand one’s predicaments and
imperfections. They are appreciative of the program, which led them to envision and find purpose in life.
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