
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 4 (2023)

Internationalization (IZN) of Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) in Region 3: Basis for an Enhanced IZN Plan

Mariella Alexes Espiritu

Discipline: Education



This study employed a descriptive research design to explore into the IZN processes and practices within the BEEd. Researcher had permission to use the Questionnaire from IAU. The study focused on the core faculty members of BEEd, Deans, Department Chairs, and IZN Coordinators. The study involved seven SUCs in Region 3 with mostly level 3 SUC and accreditation, and with enrollments below 1,000. Majority affirmed the existence of IZN in their strategic plans and valued its benefits like enhancing international cooperation and capacity building, enhanced profile of the institution, and improving graduate employability. BEEd has integrated IZN into their institutional strategies, with policies often implemented in last 1 to 5 years and focus on academic freedom, equity, and academic purposes. Most respondents saw international research as vital. At present, international experience isn't a significant factor in hiring. For curriculum internationalization, students' international perspectives, assessment of international/intercultural learning outcomes, and faculty professional development are crucial. BEEd faculty have incorporated various learning resources to enhance their teaching's international dimension. However, SUCs face internal challenges like funding shortages, limited foreign exposure, and administrative difficulties. Externally, they claim issues include qualification recognition, lack of national policy on internationalization, and the impact of anti-migration and nationalist policies.


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